Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Here's Hoping

One of the reasons I haven't run much in the last 18 months is an ongoing knee problem that wasn't getting resolved. In late 2007 my right knee started to swell up after runs. Several visits to a doctor, x-rays, MRIs, and some physical therapy later, I felt like the old joke...

Me: "Doctor, it hurts when I do this..."
Dr.: "Don't do that"

One of my resolutions for 2010 was to figure this knee thing out once and for all, so I got an appointment with a chiropractor/sports medicine guy last week, and he diagnosed my problems as Patellofemoral Syndrome and Patellar Tendonitis. Not great, but at least I now have something to work with. Recommended treatment is eletrical stimulation of the quad and calf muscles, myofascial release, some stretching/strengthening exercises and using kinesiotape on the kneecap. The myofascial release (from what I can tell, the breaking down of scar tissue from old injuries or whatever) is unpleasant but it's all in the spirit of fixing the issue so at the moment I'm very hopeful. I've run a few times this week (fighting through another in a long line of colds that I caught from my kids) and am on schedule for a long run of 6 miles this weekend. Mileage building is going on schedule--through the first 3 weeks of the schedule anyway.


AZ said...

I love that old joke. I use it on the kids all the time.

Lindsay said...

myofascial sounds kinda like a painful but good-painful massage. that's my thought anyway. hoping for the best!

Beth said...

All of that treatment sounds very familiar. I had IT band issues and hamstring tendonitis. It was painful, but it really worked for me. Stick with it. I have to stay on top of it, but I thought my running days were over and now I'm feeling great.